You don't need to worry about starting the debugger, debugging is set to ON by default in Scriptor. Debug mode causes additional info to appear for use during dev and debugging. To turn OFF debugging, set the value of the $config->debug variable in /data/settings/custom.config.php file to false. Do not leave this set at true with a live site.

The custom.config.php contains configuration settings for Imanager and is used to override the configurations in the imanager/inc/config.php file.

Also note that the /data/settings/custom.config.php may not exist in your installation. If this is the case, create a new file that might look like the following:

<?php // data/settings/custom.config.php

defined('IS_IM') or die('you cannot load this page directly.');
 * Turn ON/OFF debug mode
$config->debug = false;