The Users class allows loading and manipulating user objects. The Users class also inherits all the methods and properties of Module.

Create user

When creating new users, the name, password and password_confirmation parameters are required.

use Scriptor\Core\User;

$user = new User();
$user->set('name', 'content-admin')
    ->set('password', 'My-secret-pass')
    ->set('password_confirmation', 'My-secret-pass')

Retrieve one or more users

Retrieve one or more users using the Users::getUser() and Users::getUsers() methods.

By the way, the mentioned methods are used almost the same as the methods of Pages class: Pages::getPage or Pages::getPages.

Since the username is unique, you can search for a specific user by name:

use Scriptor\Core\Scriptor;

$users = Scriptor::getSite()->users();
$contentAdmin = $users->getUser('name=content-admin');

If you are looking for multiple users, use the Users::getUsers() method. For example, if you are looking for all users with the siteadmin role:

$admins = ($users->getUsers('role=siteadmin')) ?? [];

foreach ($admins as $admin) {
    echo "Admin user: $admin->name\n"; 

If you want to change a user's password, you can do it as follows:

use Scriptor\Core\Scriptor;

$users = Scriptor::getSite()->users();
$user = $users->getUser('name=content-admin');
$user->set('password', 'OIU=)(87dsds>.$y7y');
$user->set('password_confirmation', 'OIU=)(87dsds>.$y7y');

If you want to catch the exceptions when setting the field values, proceed like this:

try {
    $user->set('password', 'OIU=)(87dsds>.$y7s')
        ->set('password_confirmation', 'OIU=)(87dsds>.$y7q')

} catch (Exception $e) {
    die('Exception: ' . $e->getMessage());

Assign the content-admin role to a user with ID 9.

$users = Scriptor::getSite()->users();
$user = $users->getUser(9);
if ($user) $user->set('role', 'content-admin')->save();

Set active attribute of the user with ID 9 to true (one-liner only if the user with ID 9 exists definitely):

Scriptor::getSite()->users()->getUser(9)->set('active', true)->save();

Delete user

Delete user with the name content-admin permanently.

use Scriptor\Core\Scriptor;

$users = Scriptor::getSite()->users();
$user = $users->getUser('name=content-admin');

// Permament delete user